10 healthy New Year´s resolutions

10 healthy New Year´s resolutions

We are about to enter the new year and with it new challenges and resolutions. The Vitae team, wishes this year to be full of happiness and personal growth for everyone. A year of well-being and tranquillity. Make this year all about taking care of yourself inside and out, cultivating peace and serenity, that’s why we propose 10 healthy New Year´s resolutions for 2020.

I will get enough sleep every night, without exception 

Surely you will have heard a thousand times that resting is of vital important in order to regenerate our body and keep us healthy and balanced. We all know, it is hard for many of us to apply this, due to obligations, stress, bad habits, etc.

This year we propose to introduce healthy habits and learn to rest well. Our body and mind will thank you for it.

I will learn to say no and will reach the end of the day with energy 

It has happened to us all, that feeling that the day seems eternal and by the end of it you have no energy left, feeling physically and mentally exhausted.

In order not to experience these unpleasant sensations, the most important thing is that we manage stress properly. Taking control of stress should be one of our main purposes.

I will manage stress and try to live under a halo of peace and tranquillity 

Managing stress and being aware of it will help us living more at ease. One of the negative consequences of stress is anxiety. We probably all have experienced it at some time or another, suffering this irrational fear controlling our whole body and mind.

The first thing to do is to realize that everything that goes through our head is not necessarily helpful, causing that we might be overthinking and going round in mental circles.

I will eat more consciously and healthily 

As Hippocrates said,  “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”  Remember that eating is one of the things we do most during the day throughout our lifetime.

It is never too late to start taking care of yourself.

I will incorporate plenty of fruits and vegetables 

To keep us healthy and balanced it is important to maintain a diet that provides us with all the necessary nutrients and vitamins. Keeping in mind that it is especially rich in fruits and vegetables of all colors.

I will keep hydrated inside and out 

We have to keep our body hydrated drinking at least 1.5 L every day so that the cells, tissue and organs of the body function properly.

I will exercise regularly 

You will have heard it a thousand times, exercising regularly is key to maintaining a healthy body and mind. It does not have to be going to the gym, each person has to look for the activity that they like and enjoy doing on a regular basis.

Discover which one is yours!

I will detoxify my organism twice a year 

Throughout the day we accumulate endless toxins producing free radicals which cause aging. We are not just referring aesthetically, as toxins can cause different damages effecting our liver, not purifying properly for example.

According to traditional Chinese medicine, the best time to detox is Spring and Autumn.

I will learn to prevent rather than cure 

The cold weather is very present in our lives bringing flu and colds with it. Yeast beta-glucans will activate our defences to fight any unwelcome virus. This wonderful type of fungus helps you recover in half the time and prevents relapses.

Prevention is better than cure.

I will make more time to take care of myself and dedicate time to me 

At Vitae we want help to make your life easier, enhancing your health and well-being. Balance does not depend on just one thing but on a holistic approach, as it is important to pay attention to all the details and really know ourselves and our needs. Finding out what we need to feel full of vitality. Dedicate time to yourself should be a priority.

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