Last Thursday, March 7, 2019, the act of recognition of the Industrial Doctorates took place, organized by the Department of Business and Knowledge.
The Industrial Doctorates plan promotes the creation of collaboration links between the academic world and the socioeconomic world, with the aim of improving the country’s competitiveness and innovation.
Vitae participates actively with this plan, having included various Industrial Doctorates in its team.
This year, we attended the Petit Palau de la Música, to commemorate one of Vitae´s Doctorandas, Marta Arenas. Following is a brief summary of the thesis of the future Doctor Marta Arenas.
In collaboration with the Medicine Development Service of the University of Barcelona, the Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2) and the University of Auckland (New Zealand), coenzyme Q10 and NADH have been microencapsulated for application in food supplements . The two compounds are involved in obtaining energy at the cellular level, and although they participate in the same physiological process, their joint formulation is technically complex.
Both NADH and coenzyme Q10 are easily oxidizable and can be degraded by the interaction with other substances, temperature and pH. To increase its stability, the two coenzymes have been microencapsulated with substances suitable for the use of food supplements.
In this way, a stable and bioavailable product based on coenzyme Q10 and NADH was obtained.
Congratulations Marta!
Vitae is always committed to quality, science and innovation.