Marta Ruíz

Who is behind Vitae? Marta Ruíz

Marta Ruíz, one of our Doctorandas and component of the R&D department. Sweet, warm and approachable, always with a smile on her face. It shows that she likes to take care of and enjoy the people around her.

Favourite color

My favorite color, without any doubt is burgundy.

Your favourite music and song

I like all music in general, but if I have to choose I stay with techno.

What do you do when you wake up

Well, during the week, the first thing I do is press snooze on the alarm 5 times (at least). On weekends or during holidays I like to wake up slowly, having a good breakfast and go for a walk.

What do you do before going to sleep

If I’m not too tired, I like to spend time with my friends and loved ones. If I need time alone, I take a relaxing shower and go to bed early.

What do you do to relax

Sports (swimming and running) and a long shower help me relax a lot. It also relaxes me to draw and paint, especially with watercolor; I have a sketchbook with pencil / watercolor drawings, which I like to do during my free time remembering moments, experiences I have lived or places I have been.

What is your passion

Science, travel and photography (all very varied). Whenever I travel, I try to take my reflex camera so I can capture different moments and memories.

What does looking after yourself mean to you

Value yourself and dedicate small moments of personal happiness every day. From my point of view, happiness and health often go, hand in hand.

If you liked this interview to our Doctorandas and component of the R&D department (Marta Ruíz), you can visit our blog. There, you will find more interviews to the rest of Vitae team.

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