For obvious reasons, we are used to taking care of the external parts of our body, such as the silhouette, skin and hair, and yet we forget to care about our body internally. Curiously, the state of our inner health will reflect on our external part of the body. Of course, we can look wonderfully […]
Everything you need to know about skincare
Having a healthy skin depends on many factors such as pollution, stress, diet, sun … so taking care of it should be a 360º mission, with special emphasis on properly protect the skin from the sun. Fran Ballesteros, pharmacist and Vitae educator tells us five points to consider for having healthy skin. Let’s talk about […]
Rosemary and grapefruit polyphenols, high antioxidant action
As we have already explained in previous articles, antioxidants are one of the key pieces when comes to fight free radicals generated by the body itself, toxins, stress, insomnia, among many other things. Among antioxidants we find polyphenols, molecules with a high antioxidant power. Not all polyphenols are the same and that is why today we […]
Why do polyphenols protect you from sun damage?
Antioxidants have been on everyone’s lips for a while now thanks to the beneficial effects they have on our health. Within the wide world of antioxidants, we find polyphenols, compounds of plant origin that are very rich in antioxidants and with unique properties for our health. Among all its benefits, it stands out, the capacity […]
Antioxidants, aging and health
We all have heard about antioxidants and we all relate them with healthy lifestyle and beauty skin. These molecules can be found in some foods and are capable of fighting the dreaded free radicals and, thus, slowing down the aging process of our cells. We have spoken with Dr. Helena Rutllant, nutrition specialist at the […]
Discover the secrets of Reconnect and why it is one of our most special products
The secrets of ReConnect: In this blog, we have talked countless times about stress and the importance of managing it correctly and keeping it at “under control”. As we have already mentioned in previous articles, being stressed shouldn’t be common, but being calm and relaxed should. The problem comes when we are not even aware […]