When we talk about a quality tan, we do not mean just to get a beautiful skin tone, but to achieve it in a healthy way and without any risk to our skin (healthy tanning). We must bear in mind that genetics has a fundamental role at the time of tanning, that is, depending on […]
We have found a type of ingredient that will help you normalize your blood pressure
High blood pressure affects one in three adults and also increases the risk of damage to the heart, brain and kidneys. In the case that high blood pressure produces symptoms which can manifest as severe headaches, nausea or vomiting, changes in vision and even confusion. The problem? Many people might not be aware that they […]
We know how to decrease (or completely eliminate) your cholesterol naturally
Cholesterol is one of those issues that concern a large part of the population, in fact, according to a study by the Spanish Society of Cardiology, 20% of the Spanish population over 18 has a cholesterol level higher than 250 mg/dl, which represents a very high value. What does this mean? At these high levels […]
3 Questions we asked Dr. Helena Rutllant that will make you want to try the benefits of garlic
Dr. Helena Rutllant, responsible for our oncology line physician and specialist in nutrition (Clínica Corachan in Barcelona) has explained in three questions why and how we should consume garlic, a medicinal ingredient. 1. What is a phytochemical? It is a substance that is extracted from a plant which has a chemical activity, in fact, pharmacology […]
The unknown and magical properties of garlic and why we should venerate it
Some of the types of food is so integrated in our day to day but perhaps we do not value adequately and the valuable benefits they have for health are being ignored. One of them is garlic, a small vegetable with very powerful properties that are long forgotten, perhaps because of its association with popular […]
It’s not a myth, the sun improves our mood
As we said, the sun improves our mood, why? At last the good weather is here and with it that wonderful feeling of comfort, well-being and happiness that the sun’s rays provide. It is important to remember that whenever we expose ourselves to the sun, however little, we must protect ourselves and not only during […]