Mouth ulcers are those terrible white sores that appear inside the mouth or on the surface of the gums as surely you recognize the tremendous pain they can cause. These lesions are characterized by a soft and whitish center surrounded by a visibly red area. Here we will discuss some important details on how to […]
Benefits of Sea Buckthorn and Omega 7
Sea Buckthorn is a hardy bush bearing delicious orange berries that grows in rocky and coastal areas of many Asian and European countries. Traditional medicinal use of the berries for treating wounds, inflammation, and mucous-membrane-related disorders such gastric and gynecological problems are described in ancient Tibetans texts dating back to the 11th century. Inspired by […]
How to keep your joints supple and young from within
A joint is where two or more bones meet. This “junctions” allow bones to move freely but within a controlled range thanks to a layer of tough, slippery tissue called cartilage. Cartilage is there for a number of reasons. Bone rubbing against bone directly would just wear out and deteriorate, causing quite a lot of […]
Get to know the benefits of nutritional supplements for your brain
The human body has an established order that goes from the smallest level, atoms and molecules to large systems and conjoined let you live, interact with the environment, meet your vital functions, all under the command of a great leader who coordinates and controls multiple activities only in micro seconds, this is your brain. Your brain […]
What is NADH: a key molecule for youth and energy
Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, or NADH, is a coenzyme made from niacin. It’s present in all living cells. As a coenzyme, a protein that works like a catalyst in the body to prompt chemical changes in other substances, NADH serves an important role in helping enzymes to function as they should. Most coenzymes are synthesised from […]
Can diet balance your pH? Learning about alkaline diets
The alkaline diet concept is based around the idea that the foods you eat can alter the acidity or alkalinity (the pH value) of your body. Normal metabolism allows us to extract energy (calories) from food by “burning” food groups by means of a variety of different processes, including a process called oxidation. As we […]