We spoke with one of our skin experts, Fran Ballesteros, pharmacist and Vitae educator, to explain how to prevent skin aging, why our skin ages, the role of the sun in this process and, most importantly, how we can slow it. Always from the holistic and natural point of view, trying not to go against […]
5 essential things that we should take into account to take care of our skin
Our technical director and head of R & D & I at Vitae, Luisa Varela, tells us about 5 essential things that we should all take into account when taking care of our skin and avoiding oxidation caused by the sun, pollution, poor diet, etc. The skin has cellular memory Our skin has memory and […]
Green clay face mask: a beautiful skin
Green clay applied to the skin acts therapeutically, thanks to its disinfectant, detoxifying, cleansing and soothing benefits. This mask is especially recommended for oily skin pronte to suffer from acne. Benefits for your skin Thanks to its disinfectant properties, it helps absorb all kinds of impurities on our skin Purifies the inner layers of the […]
Everything you need to know about energy nutrition
Dr. María Pérez, a doctor in holistic, natural and biological medicine, is a specialist, among many other things, in energy nutrition and a professor of natural cooking. As she says, she teaches to use food according to the nature of each person, imbalances or pathologies or simply with the aim of maintaining our health and […]
Anxiety: How to take advantage of it and learn to live the moment?
Nowadays, many factors in our environment such as work, family, personal circumstances and uncertainty can generate tension and discomfort. Stress appears when the demands of our environment require a response from our part, and these demands are excessive in relation to the tools we have to manage stress. Then is when we develop adaptive reactions, which […]
Get off the wheel of stress and anxiety!
We have said it a thousand times, we live in an accelerated world and most of the times focused on material things. We always want more and more, which leads us, among many other things, to constantly try to achieve impossible goals, often dictated by society instead of listening to our inner voice. This situation […]