Detoxifying nutrition

Detoxifying nutrition

Physiologically, our body performs a detox every day of our life, therefore, it is very important to take care of our diet and nourish the body with antioxidant foods that are beneficial for our liver. When it comes to doing a detox, there are ingredients that, due to their properties, we should take into account when choosing our diet or using food supplements. In this article we are going a talk about detoxifying nutrition

Aged garlic: aged garlic extract is produced from organically grown garlic. It has many benefits, it does not repeat and does not produce odor. Thanks to its properties it is a great antioxidant and neutralizer of free radicals.

  • Powerful detox effect
  • Hepatoprotective, antihepatotoxic and improves liver functionv
  • Antioxidant
  • Anti-atherosclerotic, lipid-lowering, antiplatelet and fibrinolytic action
  • Antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral action

Milk thistle

  • Super antioxidant
  • Stimulates the detoxification pathways
  • Replenish glutathione levels
  • Stimulates liver regeneration
  • Hepatoprotective and antihepatotoxic
  • Antioxidant

Grape seed extract

  • Increases the antioxidant activity of blood serum
  • Pine bark extract
  • Increases the antioxidant activity of plasma

Green Tea

  • Protects from oxidative damage
  • Diuretic
  • Increases the antioxidant activity of plasma
  • Protects from oxidative damage


  • Detoxifying
  • Natural antioxidant of the body
  • Intervenes in the immune system
  • Maintains the levels of the enzyme glutathione peroxidase (along with selenium)


  • Increases the expression of the enzyme glutathione peroxidase

Vitamin A, C and E

  • Antioxidants

Pine bark extract

  • Increases the antioxidant activity of plasma


  • Increases the expression of the enzyme glutathione peroxidase


  • Very rich in fiber, it accelerates intestinal transit, it is very rich in nutrients and ” traps ” the toxins and heavy metals in our body.
  • It is the most important source of chlorophyll on the planet and is considered the freshwater algae with the most cleansing properties in the world.

Why should we do a detox?

Throughout our lives we are exposed to many substances that are harmful to our body, but our own body is capable of treating and eliminating those substances on a daily basis. Specifically, the liver is the organ in charge of keeping our body safe and clean from these harmful substances that can accumulate in our body.

Therefore, when we talk about doing a detox, we are referring to the process that our body naturally eliminates toxins from within. It should also be noted that we can carry out a detoxification process using supplements that can help us purify the liver and intestine.

What benefits will we get from doing a detox?

  • We will feel less physically and mentally fatigued
  • More mental clarity
  • Better concentration
  • Better sleep quality
  • Improvement of skin problems such as allergies, eczema, dermatitis, etc.

To sum up, if we adequately detoxify our body, we will enjoy a full well-being state.  As we have told you on other occasions, the ideal would be to perform a detox, at least twice a year, before spring and before autumn, according to traditional Chinese medicine.

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