graphic design girls

Which is the favourite product of one of our graphic design girls?

Vitae has wonderful products, as we work here and are surrounded by them and all use them! That’s why we want to show you which is the favorite product of each and every one of the team. On this occasion we present Monica Castillo, one of our graphic design girls.

Let’s see what she tells us about our line of probiotics.

‘Since I started working at Vitae I try to listen more to my body and thus understand how it reacts according to what I eat. I started doing this, especially, because I have always had intestinal problems such as swelling, flatulence, bad digestion etc. ….

I would say that as I speak from experience that, I have become accustomed to feel heavy, to have a swollen belly, to feel constant discomfort and to have throbbing pains on a daily basis.

This has caused me on many occasions to be in a bad mood, it is difficult for me to concentrate and I do not feel good about myself. I have also come to wear loose fitting clothes so when I am swollen as a result of the accumulated gases, my belly is not visible.

In short, all this involves a lot of stress and discomfort.

When I started working at Vitae I discovered the famous probiotics! In particular, my favorite is Vitadigest with digestive enzymes, as apart from probiotics, it also contains digestive enzymes to help improve digestions. It may seem typical and topical, but it has changed my life. Little by little I have been feeling better, less bloated and with less gas and discomfort.

The truth is that it is a wonderful product that I would recommend to everyone! Even if you do not have intestinal problems, it is good to do a treatment twice a year to help strengthen the intestinal flora.

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