Get a quality tan

Get a quality tan, we explain how.

Much has been said about tanning, how to get a more beautiful, longer lasting, uniform skin tone, etc. But let’s clarify one thing, a quality tan not only means getting a beautiful skin tone, but getting it in a healthy way without causing any damage to our skin.

At the time of tanning, genetics plays a very important role, that is, depending on the type of skin we have we will tan more or less easily. Of course, there are a number of guidelines that must be taken into account regardless of the type of skin we have.


Protection is the most important point to meet when we expose our skin to the sun without any harmful effect. Dermatologists and skin experts recommend using sun protection 365 days a year (if it is a factor of 50), but during the summer it becomes an obligation. Not only when we go to the beach or the pool, but every time we go outside.

In order to be able to forget about the cream on a daily basis we can use an oral photo protector, which will protect us from within avoiding pigment spots, sun burns, irregular tanning etc.

Exposure time

You have heard it a thousand times, avoid the strongest and warmest hours of the day. Although it seems that we tan faster during those hours we have to be aware that we are damaging the skin, therefore, in this case of tanning it is better to take it slowly.


Exfoliate the skin a few days before sun exposure is essential for a uniform and longer lasting tan.

Influential food

Food is key in many aspects and in regard to skin and tan, too. It can be the decisive point to preserve a healthy skin tone without pigment spots. We must promote foods rich in antioxidants, such as those containing vitamin A (tomato, carrot, mango, papaya, pumpkin, peach), vitamin C (citrus fruits), vitamin E, with healing properties (soy, avocado, olive oil) and omega 3 fatty acids for maximum protection and hydration (nuts, wheat germ).


Water is one of those essential things that we often forget to incorporate into our routine. It is very important that we do not forget to drink water, especially in the hot months, to hydrate ourselves inside and out.

Oral photo protection

We insist a lot on the issue of protection, that’s because the sun can have very damaging effects on our health in the short and long term. Let’s not forget that the skin has cellular memory. Sun creams can protect us to a certain extent, but if we want to achieve total protection without giving up tanning, the ideal is that we use an oral photo protector.

Oral photo protection is a type of UV protection, containing substances that provide a safe tan reducing sun damage risks. It´s performance can behave in different ways:

  • Antioxidant
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Immune modulator

It is recommended to take it complementing the classic sun protectors in times of risk such as summer.

Last but not least oral photo protection is increasingly recommended by dermatologists, especially for skin types of patients of photo type 1 (the most sensitive).

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