Healthy gym routine

Healthy gym routine

Joana Cortada, one of our girls from the International Department, is a great passionate about sports, we could almost say that she can not live without practicing sports every day. During 8 years of her life she played volleyball at high competition level every week for 15 hours. Approximately in the second year of the race she stopped performing this sport and started going to the gym. But, is there any healthy gym routine?


 This depends on each person, but I think the important thing is to combine cardiovascular exercises with toning exercises. Doing just one of the two things would not be as productive.

In my case, I combine three days a week of cardio (running, cycling, dancing …) and the rest of the days I do exercises to tone my muscular system, such as weights, sit-ups, step classes, etc. I go to the gym almost every day and sometimes I combine the two types of exercise in the same day, that is, I do one hour of cardio and another hour of toning. A practical example would be: spinning + TBC (total body conditioning).

I would also like to point out that each person should look for what kind of sport they like and makes them feel good. For example, my sister hates doing exercises like spinning, but nevertheless she is happy going to twist and rock and roll classes.

The importance of stretching

Most of us, due to work and lifestyle, spend most of the day sitting and doing little movement, so it is important that when we finish our gym routine, we stretch. Many times we ignore it and stiffness, contractures, injuries and others appear. We must remember that when doing sports we contract the muscles as a result of tension, so stretching is of vital importance.

Essential pack for the gym

To tell the truth I do not do anything in particular, just drink water, water and water. I do not like to drink energy drinks or anything that is made for sports, since normally these types of products contain a lot of sugar, dyes and other things that are not very beneficial for our health. As for food, I do not consume energy bars or anything like that, just nuts or a banana if I’m hungry.

During the cardiovascular exercises I try to drink a lot of water, always with interfalls, and after finishing as well, with the aim of eliminating generated toxins.

Benefits of practicing sport

 For me, the benefits of doing some kind of physical activity are innumerable. Personally, it helps me free my mind, disconnect and download. It also has a direct influence on my self-esteem and state of mind, so I can go in a bad mood or with low mood come out renewed. Biochemically, the fact of doing sports generates very positive things.

I also like the philosophy and everything behind it. The constancy, discipline, resistance, that moment when you cannot do anymore pushing yourself saying ”come on, you only have 5 more abs left to finish the series”, and you continue

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