How to get back on track with natural ingredients

September is one of the most difficult months of the year. Why? September is synonymous with new beginnings, going back to work, to university, in other words, getting back to routine. It means making an extra effort to get back into the habits we had before we went on vacation. In the following article we are going to tell you how you can get back on track with natural ingredients and overcome the return to routine with the help of some natural formulas.

Causes and consequences of lack of concentration

We come back from a few weeks of being completely disconnected and when we start our routine again, we see that our concentration has disappeared, that we find it difficult to catch up and keep up with the pace we had before we went on holiday. Can you imagine what it could be? When we go on holiday all our habits usually change, that is, we go to bed later, we change our meal times… that makes the return harder, if we also add post-holiday stress.

We also have to deal with physical and mental fatigue, as we try to fit work obligations together with all the personal tasks outside the office. All of this can bring us different consequences such as: general apathy, decreased work performance, constant and unstable changes in emotional state, saturation, excess or deficiency of sleep, anxiety or even depression.

Good habits to improve concentration

  • Get enough sleep: It is essential to get a good night’s sleep and have a restful sleep in order to be able to concentrate properly on all the tasks we have to do, both in the office and outside of it.
  • Good nutrition and staying hydrated: a good diet has a significant impact on the ability to concentrate and cognitive performance. Foods that can help maintain a high level of concentration are: fruits, green leafy vegetables, eggs, nuts, fish. While those that we should avoid are: refined flours, foods high in sugar, ultra-processed foods, as they can influence our mood, fatigue, irritability…
  • Physical exercise: Physical activity improves cognitive function, memory, efficiency, attention, and also prevents cognitive decline. It helps reduce anxiety and depression. The Department of Health and Human Services recommends at least 150 minutes a week of moderate activity, such as brisk walking. ghgIn addition, studies have shown that exercise increases blood flow to the brain and helps the body create more connections between nerves. In other words, doing a little exercise every day helps the brain grow and function better.
  • Organization and planning : Try to make a list of tasks to prioritize the most important ones. This way, you will have more clarity about the activities you need to do and which ones you should focus on first.
  • Have time for yourself : don’t be constantly thinking about the tasks you have to do. Relax and do something that you like and that is unique and exclusively for you. It could be reading, going to the cinema, having a coffee with friends, watching a series…

5 natural ingredients that can improve concentration

  • NADH: Its main function is to help in the production of energy at the cellular level, in addition to increasing mental and physical energy, it improves cognitive performance.
  • Vitamin C: It is an antioxidant that helps reduce oxidative stress, which is responsible for fatigue. It also strengthens the immune system, which indirectly improves energy and resistance to fatigue.
  • Omega 3: essential for brain health and cognitive development. It also helps improve memory and concentration.
  • Magnesium: This is a mineral that is necessary for our body as it helps to relax. We can find it in nuts such as almonds and cashews and in fruits such as bananas and avocados.
  • Passionflower: a plant that treats restlessness, uneasiness and irritability that often make it difficult to fall asleep.

At Vitae we care about your health and that is why we try to offer the best of ourselves, providing valuable ideas for your daily life. Below, we bring you one of our proposals:

Vitae solution

ReConnect is a dietary supplement based on NADH, Coenzyme Q10, Serine and Vitamin C, which thanks to the synergy of its components helps improve physical and cognitive performance. It is recommended for:

  • Contribute to the improvement of cognitive functions such as learning, concentration and memory
  • Increases the ability to manage stress
  • Improves mood
  • Regulate the sleep-wake cycle
  • Reduce fatigue
  • Reducing age-related memory loss
  • Improve sports performance and reduce fatigue after the period of effort

MagVita is a dietary supplement based on 6 magnesium salts combined with vitamin B6 and taurine. It contributes to the recovery of muscle contractures and cramps, reduces accumulated muscle tension, improves stress management and sleep quality, improves bone density, improves the performance of athletes and reduces tiredness and fatigue.

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