Nourishing and hydrating skin and mucous membranes is very importance to maintain healthy and beautiful skin. We have previously mentioned that one of the essential things in all beauty routines is to clean the skin but the another very important thing that we should never skip is to nourish and hydrate our skin.

How to hydrate skin and mucous membranes from within?

Skin and mucous membranes

Nourishing and hydrating skin and mucous membranes is very importance to maintain healthy and beautiful skin. We have previously mentioned that one of the essential things in all beauty routines is to clean the skin but the another very important thing that we should never skip is to nourish and hydrate our skin. For some time now, the word nutricosmetics has been getting trendy. Nutricosmetics act from within, understanding that health and wellness starts on us. Within this context, we have spoken with Luisa Varela, pharmacist and head of R + D + I at Vitae, to explain us how we can nourish and hydrate our skin and mucous membranes from the inside.

The vast majority of us know about skin, but what are mucous membranes?

Mucous membranes constitute the moist inner lining, in the form of a membrane, of some organs and cavities of the human body, which are in contact with the outside (nose, mouth, eyes, stomach, intestine, lungs, vagina, etc.). Mucous membranes have different functions such as protection, secretion and absorption of water and other elements, just like the skin.

Why do mucous membranes get dry? And skin?

Mucous membranes have functions of protection, secretion and absorption of water and other elements, just like the skin. Dryness can be caused by a nutritional deficiency especially lack of water intake, certain fats and lack of some vitamins. It can also be due to environmental factors such as intense cold or heat, as a side effect of some diseases such as diabetes, a side effect of some medications or due to certain hormonal changes, due to exposure to pollution or high levels of stress.

Would you say that it is absolutely essential to nourish and hydrate skin and mucous membranes on a daily basis?

The mucous membranes secrete a viscous substance, in the form of mucus , which keeps them moist. This thick gel contains natural antibiotic substances, which protect against pathogens (viruses, bacteria, fungi, etc.).

If we do not nourish and hydrate the mucous membranes on a daily basis, we will not only contribute to the dryness of the skin and mucous membranes, but we will also facilitate infection by the entry of pathogens, since the quantity and quality of the mucus will not be enough and we will be more unprotected.

Are some people more prone to dry skin and mucous membranes?

Yes. People with very dry skin, atopic or hypersensitive skin are more prone to dry skin and mucous membranes. There are also certain diseases that cause it: Sjögren’s syndrome , diabetes, thyroidism , chronic kidney disease … and certain chronic treatments such as antidepressants or antihistamines, in addition to certain situations in which a hormonal imbalance may occur such as pregnancy, menopause or when certain types of cancer .

How can we hydrate our skin and mucous membranes from within?

In addition to hydrating ourselves topically, with specific creams and gels, our mucous membranes and the innermost layers of our skin need proper internal hydration. That is why we need to ensure a correct intake of water and incorporate into our diet a correct supply of unsaturated fatty acids, including omega 3, 6, 9 and 7, in addition to certain vitamins, which will provide hydration and antioxidant nutrition.

What would you say is the key ingredient to maintain healthy skin and mucous membranes?

Without a doubt, first a correct intake of water and then sea buckthorn oil to nourish, hydrate and repair skin and mucous membranes. Among different oils, sea buckthorn is my choice for its fatty acid composition as it is very rich in omega 3, 6, 9 and especially in omega 7, also known as palmitoleic acid, which plays an essential role in nutrition, hydration and repair of tissues and mucous membranes. This oil is also very rich in antioxidants (vitamin E, Lycopene, B-carotene, vitamin C, Folic Acid and Flavonoids).

 Who would nutricosmetics be recommended for?

For anyone who wants to take care and especially for those who have special needs for moisturizing the skin and mucous membranes: very dry and atopic skin, people with high exposure to the sun, cold or contaminants, people with inflammatory diseases like syndrome Sjögren , diabetes, thyroidism , chronic kidney disease … and / or with certain chronic treatments such as antidepressants or antihistamines or cancer treatments. It would also be recommended in certain situations where there is a hormonal imbalance such as pregnancy or menopause.

1 thought on “How to hydrate skin and mucous membranes from within?

  1. Many thanks for the good advice .
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