The event gave us the once more our Vitae International team attended the IHCAN Conferences 2018 in London on Saturday the 8th of September. Integrative Healthcare and Applied Nutrition Conferences pportunity to interact with a large part of the professionals attending and, in this way, exchange opinions and knowledge.
During the conference, Vitae presented all the products of our Digestive category which includes different food supplements elaborated with the aim of covering the different needs of our intestine. The stomach is the organ in charge of processing all the food we eat and that is why it is important to keep it in good condition. Lately, the increase in foods with a high fat content, the little time we have to eat, stress/anxiety… have caused an increase of digestive problems in the population. To avoid these situations, it is recommended to maintain a good balance of the microbiota. For this, the role of prebiotics / probiotics are essential. Prebiotics help the growth of healthy bacteria in the gut. Probiotics are living organisms that help populate the intestinal flora and improve the proper functioning of the intestine.
All this will help protect and take care of digestive health in a natural way, both for children and adults, providing different benefits:
- It acts against diarrhea and constipation, and other punctual problems.
- Facilitates digestion after big meals.
- Restores the intestinal flora.
Vitae wants to thank IHCAN Conferences 2018 for the organization.