On Saturday the 18th of November 2017 Vitae assisted to the last IHCAN Conferences in London this year about Aging by Dr. Craic Willcox and Leo Pruimboom
Dr. Craig Willcox is an internationally recognised expert in healthy ageing and cross-cultural gerontology with training in medical anthropology, gerontology and public health sciences.
Leo Pruimboom is one of today´s most prominent figures in clinical Psychoneuroimmunoligy (cPNI) on the world stage as a solid scientific discipline with a cutting edge apprach to healthcare.
It was a great pleasure to be able to attend and meet new and well known IHCAN/Bant members.
Looking forward returning to the upcoming March Conferences in London
Vitae is a laboratory of food supplements and natural products. Created in 1995, based on the philosophy of the founder, Raimon Cortada, to learn and incorporate the best of what nature has to offers us. Our passion is to help maintain and improve the quality of life of each of you, to appreciate and enjoy the little things that make our day to day living. For us it is important to take care of both you and the environment, offering a relationship of transparency, respect, closeness and maximum professionalism. We also apply this to ourselves and that is why we try to work in a relaxed, pleasant and maximum companionship and in union with the environment. Above all, with the rigor and seriousness as our main values.