Never stop dreaming: Inauguration of our new premises (1st June 2017)
We believe that life is made up of all those little things that seem insignificant but really these are the things that make us go on. A conversation in the hallway, a significant smile, a hug at the right moment… love, all make the world go round, change people and move heaven and earth. So, in Vitae, we have a sentence that we like to repeat again and again: “Never stop dreaming”.
Having dreams is so important. There are all kinds of dreams and conditions, shapes and colors; some are true, others fade with time, but having them is what allows us to keep going and feel alive.
It is difficult to put into word what represents Vitae and to be where we are today. We are very proud, having managed to get where we are, always through great effort and dedication, successes and failures. Learning from mistakes, trying to improve every day, and especially get up after falling. Ambition well managed, with humility and spirit of overcoming obstacles.
Finally we would like to say that all this without our clients and distributors would not have been possible.
Never stop dreaming,
Thank you!