In collaboration with the ANP (Association of Natural Practitioners) Vitae Health Innovation held a immune system seminar in Brighton on the 10th of October 2019.
Lauren Craven-Niemczyk MRes BSc (Hons) NTDip mBANT rCHNC, talked us through why the immune system is a highly interactive and complex function of the human body. Intelligent in its workings, the immune system is constantly making decisions and taking actions that protect its human home. When the immune system is irregular, we can see autoimmune conditions, allergies, and perhaps an inability to recover from virus or infection or a hyperactive reaction to previously safe substances.
In this lecture, Lauren explained how nutrients like beta-glucans modulate the immune response, the reasons that immune defences can be lowered and how to reduce the severity of allergic reactions and allergies.
Lauren completed a 3-year diploma in Naturopathic Nutrition with the College of Naturopathic Medicine (CNM), which consisted of 1 year of Biomedicine and 2 years of Naturopathic Nutrition. Since then she has set up her private practice Wild and Wise Nutrition, seeing clients with a range of health concerns, although female hormonal health and skin conditions are particular interests. Lauren follows a functional medicine approach to nutrition, and aims to empower clients with the information and resources to understand what makes them feel good
We are looking forward to our next seminar in Manchester on the 14th of November 2019