For the second consecutive time, Vitae has received the seal of Innovative SME (Innovative Small Medium sized Enterprise) that the ministry grants every three years to companies who meet a series of requirements, revolving around actions taken with an innovative nature of the company.
Vitae is a laboratory developing food supplements which, since the foundation, has opted for science, technology and innovation, both in its products and in other actions. This is one of the essential characteristics of our brand and is reflected in our desire to create products enhancing consumer health, thanks to an exquisite synergy of ingredients and to our total commitment to research.
Vitae currently has three doctoral students investigating special ingredients which the brand wants to incorporate, as well as how to improve formulas and product presentations making them even more effective.
Another action that deserves a separate mention is the study being carried out at the Vall d’Hebrón hospital on one of our flagship products: ReConnect.
In 2015, the first part of the study was carried out in which the product was tested with patients extremely affected by the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. In the study, the product was evaluated at a clinical and biological level. The quality of life of the patients was analyzed, as well as different biomarkers evaluating the physiological efficacy of the product. Currently, the second part of the study is being conducted with more than 300 patients, where more benefits and applications of ReConnect are being investigated.
Vitae is deeply grateful that, once again, this recognition has been granted and, of course, will continue to support a business line marked by innovation. Here, you can check The Seal of Innovative SME (Innovative Small Medium sized Enterprise)