Our Vitae International team attended the IHCAN Conferences 2017 in London on Saturday 9th of September, which organizes several cycles of conferences each year on different topics. On this occasion, the topic dealt with intestinal health and all its derivatives: probiotics, prebiotics, digestive enzymes, etc. The event took place from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm and gave us the opportunity to interact with a large part of the attendees and, in this way, exchange opinions and knowledge.
During the conference, Vitae presented its Digestive Category line which includes different food supplements elaborated with the aim of covering the different needs of our intestine. We could show all the people, natural formulas with digestive enzymes, probiotics. Problems like constipation, bad digestion, diarrhea, flatulence or heartburn are the topics about we were talking. In this category we have formulas, both children and adults.
In the photos of IHCAN conferences you can see the Vitae stand where we presented our digestive category and different attendees enjoying the day.
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