Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a term that we hear more and more frequently. There are many people who link it to children and adolescents, but ADHD in adults is also a reality. We live in a historic moment when it comes to mental health. Society and modern life were already slowly leading us to […]
Vitamin D3: what it is, what it is for and how we can support our levels
Winter days are shorter, some dark and others rainy. Our bodies cannot absorb the same amount of UVB rays than during summer months and our vitamin D levels are directly affected. Also, people with darker skin and the elderly are less efficient at converting the sun’s rays into vitamin D3. In this article we tell […]
Relationship between recurrences and the immune system
We live in a world where we do everything fast, with little time to ourselves and that leads to us being more stressed, therefore, we have high levels of cortisol in our body, which affects our immune system and weakens it. Due to this, sometimes, infections that had already disappeared from our body can appear […]
Immune Debt: what is it and what is the possible solution?
Respiratory infections are experiencing a rebound compared to the pandemic years. There is a fear that respiratory viruses such as influenza and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) have returned with more force this year. According to a report published by the European Center for Disease Control and Prevention (ECDE), the incidence of influenza in Europe has multiplied […]
How does our body react to viruses and how can we support it?
With the arrival of winter, the cases of diseases in the respiratory system caused by viruses increase. This happens for different reasons. One of the main ones is that during winter we spend more time indoors, which makes viruses spread more easily. In addition, cold temperatures can weaken the immune system, which contributes to increasing […]
What is burnout syndrome?
From Vitae Health Innovation, we want to help you with the start of the year! As health artisans, our purpose this year is to continue offering solutions to your daily problems. After going back to routine, stress and mental fatigue can appear. Therefore, we are going to talk about the term burnout in this article […]