How to sleep through the night?

Sleeping between seven and eight hours is essential if we want to feel energized the day after, but it is also important that these hours are of quality, otherwise, we will wake up tired and with the feeling of not having rested enough. Many people find it difficult to fall asleep or sleep through the […]

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What is chronic fatigue?

Chronic fatigue is a complex disorder of unknown cause that seriously affects quality of life. It persists for more than six months, with an oscillating character and without apparent cause. It interferes with normal activities, causes extreme fatigue and does not decrease with rest, worsens with exercise and is associated with physical and neuropsychological manifestations. […]

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Vaginal dryness, what is it and how to treat it?

Vaginal dryness is one of the most characteristic symptoms of women during menopause. It happens due to the absence of natural moisture in the vagina. In normal circumstances, female arousal produces the discharge of a transparent mucus that aims to protect the vaginal walls, maintain the elasticity of that organ and provide it with a […]

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Vitamins for tiredness

There are days when waking up from bed becomes an odyssey, as soon as we open our eyes we want the day to pass quickly and so that we can go back to our bed. Lack of energy or fatigue can occur for different reasons, from insufficient sleep, anxiety, tension, loss of strength or muscle […]

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How to be aware of the dry mucous membranes

The mucous membranes are the layer of moist skin that cover cavities that are open to the outside or ducts of the body. They are found in the throat, nose, mouth, eyes, urethra, rectum, intestines, and vagina. All of them need to be well hydrated and nourished to have adequate functionality. These mucous membranes produce […]

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Natural treatment for arthritis in hands

Arthritis is a joint disease that causes joint pain, stiffness, and swelling. It can affect any joint in the body, being the arthritis in hands one of the most commonly affected areas. This pathology is degenerative in nature and, in most cases, the initial symptom is usually pain in the affected joints. At the beginning […]

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