Arnau Vilas, member of VITAE technical department , agri – food technology researcher , PhD in food science and specialist in sea buckthorntalks about the antioxidant properties of polyphenols and how increasing their consumption can help us enjoy a beautiful and healthy skin . What exactly are polyphenols? They are molecules secreted by plants under stress conditions and, therefore, can be found in nature. Plants do […]
All about inflammaging or how to get a perfect skin
Cristina Tamames-Tabar, pharmacists and Doctor in pharmacy and chemical sciences, conducted his doctoral thesis in a chemistry materials lab between France and Spain. As she says, the classic never goes out of style, although it is important to emphasize that natural ingredients are not innocuous. We can give an example of one of the first chemotherapeutics […]
How to prevent skin aging?
We spoke with one of our skin experts, Fran Ballesteros, pharmacist and Vitae educator, to explain how to prevent skin aging, why our skin ages, the role of the sun in this process and, most importantly, how we can slow it. Always from the holistic and natural point of view, trying not to go against […]
Who is behind Vitae? Alba Vera Sanchez
Behind the scenes: Alba Vera Sanchez, one of the members of VITAE technical department. Pure strength, energy and vitality. Always with a smile on her mouth, she is one of those people who makes your day. Favourite color I love red but I also like white! If I have to choose it depends on how I wake up in the morning and the […]
5 essential things that we should take into account to take care of our skin
Our technical director and head of R & D & I at Vitae, Luisa Varela, tells us about 5 essential things that we should all take into account when taking care of our skin and avoiding oxidation caused by the sun, pollution, poor diet, etc. The skin has cellular memory Our skin has memory and […]
Green clay face mask: a beautiful skin
Green clay applied to the skin acts therapeutically, thanks to its disinfectant, detoxifying, cleansing and soothing benefits. This mask is especially recommended for oily skin pronte to suffer from acne. Benefits for your skin Thanks to its disinfectant properties, it helps absorb all kinds of impurities on our skin Purifies the inner layers of the […]