Post-vacation depression

Post-vacation depression

Returning from vacation can involve contradictory emotions, on one hand, returning to routine has its positive things and, on the other hand, it can generate an overwhelming feeling of apathy and melancholy, what we commonly call post-vacation depression or syndrome.

Post-vacation syndrome is not a pathology as such, but rather a temporary state of readaptation that can cause symptoms such as tiredness, sleepiness, apathy, among others. When changes occur in our lives, our brain and body need a period of adaptation, there are people who need more time and others who need less time, but this transition period always occurs. Our brain is a perfect energy-saving machine, so when we “take it back to work” it tries to resist causing the appearance of different symptoms.

As we said, this phenomenon can last from 2 to 15 days and it occurs, especially, in people whose return to reality supposes a strong change due to different aspects: bad work environment, endless hours or precarious jobs.

As Vitae’s Technical and R&D&I Director points out: ”There are many reasons why we need a greater contribution of energy and vitality and going back to work after the holidays is one of them. We have additional energy needs due to the change that is taking place.”

Different types of energy

There are two types of energy, the purely physical that produces physical exhaustion, a feeling of tiredness, etc. and the mental one, the one that doesn’t let you think clearly, makes you forget things and takes away your vitality. This occurs when our cells do not have enough energy. When we return from vacation our energy is at its peak, but as a result of the change, it is common for us to get stressed and have the feeling that we lack mental energy to focus and reach everything.

How to recover and enhance energy?

It is possible to recover energy and vitality in a natural way to end this feeling of post-vacation apathy. ”It is important to maintain a positive attitude and perform relaxing exercises that allow us to balance our body, mind and emotions. This directly influences our energetic mood and how others see us”, says the expert.

Vitae solution

Reconnect is a perfect food supplement to get you back to the office. It is designed to nourish and energize the cell and mitochondria. It is recommended for those situations in which we feel saturated, foggy or unable to think and concentrate.

Its formulation has been developed in collaboration with the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Barcelona and clinically tested at the Vall d’Hebron Hospital .

Reconnect is formulated based on NADH (Co-E1), coenzyme Q10, serine and vitamin C which, thanks to the synergy of its components, helps improve memory, concentration and physical and cognitive performance.

As we said, post-vacation apathy or post-vacation syndrome is not something to worry about, but if the symptoms persist, it would be interesting to talk to your trusted health professional. Good return to work!

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