energy and vitality

How to stay full of energy and vitality during the summer

In this post we will give you tricks to conserve vitality in summer. The arrival of this one is synonymous with more hours of light, of school holidays and of a generally more cheerful and lively atmosphere than in winter. It seems that we all have more energy and vitality and good mood with the good weather. But not everything is always so rosy. The summer season also has its drawbacks. The main in many areas is the heat, which can become excessive in the central hours, as well as making sleeping at night more difficult if it does not cool down enough.

Although there are those who receive the heat of summer with joy, for many to cope it becomes quite uphill. Especially in warm climate zones, where you can exceed 35 degrees in the hottest hours. It is best to rest in a cool place during the central hours of the day. But this, except the elderly and children, it is unusual that we can do it. Unless we’re on vacation. And the feeling of suffocating heat can make us lose energy and vitality.

Tips on how not to lose Vitality in the summer:

To cope with the heat and not lose energy, just follow some simple tips related mainly to food, clothing and distribution of leisure and sports activities during the day. We will see below which small habits keep intact our vitality in summer.

  • Try to wear fresh and light clothes. The arrival of the heat causes us to leave behind the jackets and boots. We changed them for dresses, cool shirts, sandals and light footwear. On hot days it is advisable to wear garments of natural fabrics, such as cotton or linen. They promote perspiration and give a feeling of freshness.
  • Hydrate properly. To fight the heat it is convenient to drink plenty of liquid. Above all, water and natural and non-alcoholic drinks such as juices. As for tea and coffee, it is not advisable to take them after meal time. The effects of caffeine can make it difficult to rest at night, which can be complicated by the heat, and make us regret that iced.
  • Make five meals a day, but light. In summer, breakfast and eating five times a day are still as important as at other times of the year. Of course, this does not mean that you have to cram or eat big meals. The feeling of heaviness and difficult digestions can increase the feeling of excess heat. It is best to choose simple and light dishes, such as salads, fruit, white meat and grilled fish, etc.
  • Limit physical exercise during the central hours of the day. In spite of the heat, in summer it is not advisable to stop doing physical exercise, only to change its intensity and the hours in which it is performed. The best practice is to exercise in the early hours of the morning or at dusk, when the sun is going down and the heat is less. It also works well, if one is accustomed to intense physical activity, to change it for a less intense one. For example, yoga, taichi or swimming.


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