Green clay applied to the skin acts therapeutically, thanks to its disinfectant, detoxifying, cleansing and soothing benefits. This mask is especially recommended for oily skin pronte to suffer from acne. Benefits for your skin Thanks to its disinfectant properties, it helps absorb all kinds of impurities on our skin Purifies the inner layers of the […]
2 ingredients to consider if we want a more beautiful skin
There are many factors that influence having a beautiful skin which is nourished, hydrated, and glowing, without imperfections and with an even tone. One of the factors influencing our skin is directly linked to what we ingest and how we nourish our body from within. The miraculous oil There are a number of ingredients that […]
Food that we should consume if we want to show off photoshop quality skin
Showing a healthy, beautiful and luminous skin has been an inescapable sign of beauty and health for years, so finding the formula fora dermis with an exceptional quality, has been one of the beauty obsessions since ancient times. The cosmetics market is constantly developing more sophisticated products, which promise to do a thousand wonders and […]
The basis for beautiful skin is nothing more or less than hydration.
Creams, serums, masks… nowadays we have a thousand different cosmetics for each and every one of our skin needs, but it doesn’t matter how sophisticated and wonderful they are, if we don’t have a good base “our joy in a jar”. So what is this basis? It is as simple as good hydration. Keeping the […]