The word cortisol it is on all our minds, since we live with a high level of stress and it is known as the “stress hormone”. Our daily life is non-stop, and we continually experience situations that put us to the limit, and surely where we are accompanied by the beloved cortisol. In this article, […]
What are circadian rhythms and how to respect them?
What are circadian rhythms? As you well know, twice a year there is a time change, summer and winter, which means that we have more or less hours of sunshine during the day. Let’s start at the beginning, who created the time change? Benjamin Franklin, American scientist, politician and inventor, was the one who first […]
Anxiety: How to take advantage of it and learn to live the moment?
Nowadays, many factors in our environment such as work, family, personal circumstances and uncertainty can generate tension and discomfort. Stress appears when the demands of our environment require a response from our part, and these demands are excessive in relation to the tools we have to manage stress. Then is when we develop adaptive reactions, which […]
Stress and anxiety. Trips to identify and get through them
As we have said in other articles, stress and anxiety are some of the great evils of our century and, although they are not the same, they are closely related. If stress is maintained over time, to the point of exhaustion, or anxiety feeds back and overtakes us, affecting our life, we can talk about […]
Am I under stress or anxiety? How can I definitively end it?
Stress and anxiety is the “evil” of our century. We live immersed in the midst of chaos and a super changing world that does not allow us to think about or connect with ourselves. This world that demands almost inhuman speed from us and that has made us forget the irrefutable fact that we are […]
The psychologist Toni Mateo gives us the keys to understand anxiety
For some time now, there has been an increase in the use of the word “anxiety”, but what exactly is anxiety? How can we know if we suffer from anxiety? Does a specific anxiety attack make us anxious? All these questions and more are answered by the psychologist Toni Mateo, trained in cognitive-behavioral therapy and […]