Tema: chlorella

List of good nutrients for the digestive system

The digestive system plays an all important role for the human organism, which is like preparing food for absorption, so it can be used by all the cells of our organism. This is why, and for many more reasons, it is vital to maintain good intestinal health. It is important to remember that all physical […]

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The importance of having an anti-inflammatory diet

Logic tells us that an inflammation is visible and easy to detect, but what must be taken into account is that there are two types of inflammation, the one that is seen and the one that cannot be seen. The second is the one that, in a discreet and silent way, causes premature aging, not […]

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How to eliminate heavy metals effectively (yes, it is possible)

During our day to day we can accumulate a lot of toxins, but our body is more than ready to eliminate heavy metals and toxins, either through urination, bowel movements or even breathing. The problem? That in many occasions, the amount of toxins is too large and our body can not eliminate them, with the […]

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How to detoxify your body after Christmas or intense nights

How to detoxify your body after Christmas, summer or intense nights? Recently we talked about a super food called Chlorella, an algae with a high detoxifying power. Well, today we continue with other foods that can help us to detoxify after the Christmas holidays or at any other time it would be more. Night of […]

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Detox after Christmas? This ingredient will be your best all (and we are sure you did not expect it)

After the Christmas holidays we usually feel more bloated and heavy. This is to be expected, as during the festive season we consume copious meals rich in fats and sugar. All this can cause what we commonly call toxicity in the body; hence we are hearing the word, detox after Christmas,  everywhere. There are many […]

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