Tema: digestive enzymes

Irregular bowel movement during the holidays. We have the solution

When you travel, do you suffer changes in your intestinal transit? It is super normal that traveling effect us more to go to the bathroom or we can suffer episodes of diarrhea or, on the contrary, of constipation. This is due to many factors, from psychological (we are not accustomed to the environment) to the […]

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3 Frequently asked questions and answers about clinical applications of probiotics

In this article we have proposed to answer some of the most frequently asked questions about clinical applications of probiotics. As you probably already know and according to the World Health Organization, probiotics are “live microorganisms that, when administered in the right amount, confer a beneficial effect on the health of the subject who receives […]

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Which is the favourite product of one of our graphic design girls?

Vitae has wonderful products, as we work here and are surrounded by them and all use them! That’s why we want to show you which is the favorite product of each and every one of the team. On this occasion we present Monica Castillo, one of our graphic design girls. Let’s see what she tells […]

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The ultimate solution for a flat belly

In this post we are going to talk about a solution for a flat belly and everything you can do. Let’s talk clearly and directly about a topic that everyone, at some point or another, suffers: flatulence. This discomfort can cause feeling bloated, cramps and aches, but the above all it creates a great discomfort […]

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