Tema: digestive health

What do our stool say about our health?

We live in a fast world, with lot of stress, work, noise…. Unfortunately, this has distanced us from our human condition and has increasingly disconnected us from our essence. As we always say, far from being a positive thing, this increasingly growing trend has distanced us from ourselves and we are less and less aware […]

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How to take care of our intestinal health

Dr. Rutllant gives us 5 key points, each and every one of us, at some point, has felt some gastrointestinal discomfort such as flatulence, bloating, heartburn, reflux, diarrhea, constipation, etc. This type of ailments is very common in today’s society and that’s why we have talked with Dr. Helena Rutllant, responsible for our Oncology line […]

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The importance of a healthy digestive system

There is a direct relation between the digestive system and our defence system, resulting in the fact that our intestinal flora establishes our first line of defences. Bacteria in general, and those of the macro biota in particular, present on their surface polysaccharides and proteins that act as antigens and stimulate both innate and acquired […]

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A good intestinal flora is one of the reasons why children get less sick.

Let’s start with what is really important, our intestinal flora, the first line of defence of our body. Taking into account that the digestive system of children is not complete until age 6, more reason to know as much as possible about maintaining a healthy intestinal flora (children probiotics). The intestinal flora is composed of microorganisms […]

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Three essential products for traveling

In this article we want to propose you three essential products for traveling this summer. Some of the lucky ones are already enjoying the holidays, but for those who have not yet escaped, we want to propose three products we consider important to pack before you head off. OlioVita Protect, total sun protection in a […]

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Irregular bowel movement during the holidays. We have the solution

When you travel, do you suffer changes in your intestinal transit? It is super normal that traveling effect us more to go to the bathroom or we can suffer episodes of diarrhea or, on the contrary, of constipation. This is due to many factors, from psychological (we are not accustomed to the environment) to the […]

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