We live in a fast world, with lot of stress, work, noise…. Unfortunately, this has distanced us from our human condition and has increasingly disconnected us from our essence. As we always say, far from being a positive thing, this increasingly growing trend has distanced us from ourselves and we are less and less aware […]
How to holistically start taking care of our body from the inside out
For obvious reasons, we are used to taking care of the external parts of our body, such as the silhouette, skin and hair, and yet we forget to care about our body internally. Curiously, the state of our inner health will reflect on our external part of the body. Of course, we can look wonderfully […]
Antioxidants, aging and health
We all have heard about antioxidants and we all relate them with healthy lifestyle and beauty skin. These molecules can be found in some foods and are capable of fighting the dreaded free radicals and, thus, slowing down the aging process of our cells. We have spoken with Dr. Helena Rutllant, nutrition specialist at the […]
10 healthy New Year´s resolutions
We are about to enter the new year and with it new challenges and resolutions. The Vitae team, wishes this year to be full of happiness and personal growth for everyone. A year of well-being and tranquillity. Make this year all about taking care of yourself inside and out, cultivating peace and serenity, that’s why we […]
Conscious nutrition
We are increasingly aware of the importance of the interaction of food with our body, how it influences our mood, hormones, digestive health and as a consequence our immune system (conscious nutrition). In short, we must have an overall understanding of our body and mind, and how they are interrelated with each other. In Vitae […]
Why should we look deeper into the homeostasis concept?
Many of you might have heard about the homeostasis concept, but for a large majority it might sound like Chinese. However, this concept is of vital importance when we talk about health and well-being, since it plays a big role in the processes of our body achieving equilibrium. Homeostasis Aleix Pellejero our technical department colleague […]