Tema: Vitamin C

Antioxidants, aging and health

We all have heard about antioxidants and we all relate them with healthy lifestyle and beauty skin. These molecules can be found in some foods and are capable of fighting the dreaded free radicals and, thus, slowing down the aging process of our cells. We have spoken with Dr. Helena Rutllant, nutrition specialist at the […]

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Why vitamin C is back in fashion

We have been hearing to our mothers say all our lives that it is important to drink an orange juice every day for the simple fact that the benefits of vitamin C it contains. As a consequence, it is a great help preventing colds. The consumption of this vitamin has been rooted in our culture […]

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Why we should love antioxidants?

Surely,  you have are familiar with terms such as free radicals, oxidation of cells and oxidative stress by now, so you should know that the less of all this, the better.  The general state of our cells is of vital importance to be able to enjoy good health. In principle there should be no problem, […]

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Professional opinion about Vitamin C by Granit Jakupi

Granit Jakupi – Kosovo: “When the first signs of cold symptoms appear, many people get in touch with Vitamin C, either through supplements, juices, tea, or other forms. Indeed vitamin C alone leaves our system rapidly. Even though the market is full with different types of vitamin c, we are of the opinion that the […]

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What you should know about Vitamin C

The well-known vitamin C or ascorbic acid is the main nutritional supplement for children and adults, required to take as the body does not produce it.  Vitamin C gives us great benefits, so it is considered a staple supplement in the kitchen cabinet or on the nightstand, and we advise you to take the following […]

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Vitamin C for health

Vitamin C for health has been recognized for its incredible antioxidant power and its usefulness in reducing symptoms of viral and bacterial infections, acting as protagonist as it has been highly recommended by doctors during flu season, everyone can benefit from this wonderful vitamin, either contributing to growth and development of bones and muscles, preventing […]

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