benefits of the sun

How to take advantage of the benefits of the sun

The sun is a great source of vitamins A and D, which are very healthy for our body. However, prolonged exposure to the sun with its risks can lead to health problems in the medium and long term. Do not run from the sun, but learn how to take advantage of all its benefits.

Advantages of the luminous vitamin

The sun is also known as the “luminous vitamin” as it is responsible for controlling daytime sleepiness. In addition, sunlight helps fight states of anxiety and depression. For this reason, in winter, when there is less daylight, we feel more apathetic and down.  On the other hand, the sun helps to strengthen the bones, as it favors the absorption of calcium, as well as helps prevent asthma.

The Sun and Cancer

It is very important to make this point clear. Sunbathing properly helps reduce the risk of breast, lung, colon and prostate cancer. This is due to the benefits of UVB rays, but be careful UVA rays are the ones which cause skin cancer.

For this reason, it is fundamental, to sunbathe with great caution in order to minimize the risks and to enhance the virtues.

How to sunbathe

Always with protection, in autumn, winter, spring and summer. Never expose yourself to the sun without protecting your skin. Wear a hat to avoid sunstroke or a drop in blood pressure.

If you are going to sunbathe it is important that you hydrate your skin well from within. Always have water at hand and drink from time to time.

Never expose your eyes directly to the sun. It is best to wear sunglasses so that they do not become irritated or damaged.

The best way to sunbathe is walking or doing sports. Lying directly in the sun, rotating will only make your skin age much faster. Walk, go for a bike and let the air cool your skin.

When to sunbathe

The ideal moment is to sunbathe in the morning until noon and in the afternoon from 4.30 or 5 pm in order to escape the central hours of the day and in this way reduce many risks.

The sun can not only be taken in summer and all at once. It is best to enjoy the sun all year round if and when possible and, for a maximum of 10 min with protection to make better use of all its benefits:

  • Improves mood
  • Fight insomnia
  • Reduces blood pressure
  • Balances cholesterol
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Fight tumors
  • Improves the appearance of the skin
  • Helps dental and bone health

All in all, the sun is our friend, but you have to know how to relate to it. Its benefits go far beyond a nice tan. Your improved health depends on how and when you sunbathe, so do not take chances and enjoy the luminous vitamin of the sun!

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