Vitamin C for health

Vitamin C for health

Vitamin C for health has been recognized for its incredible antioxidant power and its usefulness in reducing symptoms of viral and bacterial infections, acting as protagonist as it has been highly recommended by doctors during flu season, everyone can benefit from this wonderful vitamin, either contributing to growth and development of bones and muscles, preventing fatigue and tiredness or preventing tissue damage.

Why is Vitamin C consumption so important?

Since Vitamin C is not synthesized by the body, we must obtain it from external sources, hence the importance of consuming nutritional supplements to provide the proper concentration of vitamin C, it prevents oxidative damage and will optimize our overall performance, maintaining the functioning of the immune system, protecting our cells against the action of pathogens as well as decreasing stress levels.

A great combination: Vitamin C + Green Tea extract

The highly effective combination of two well known ingredients and confirmed in its fight against tissue damage caused by free radical elements, can now be found in a single product called Vitamin C. This product is also recommended to help the absorption of iron and contributes to normal energy metabolism in peak seasons, during periods of stress and / or fatigue, for the cold months and especially for smokers and athletes. Vitamin C and green tea together act against aging in addition boosts energy levels and help you stay young and active. For more information click on Vitamin C

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