Cesar Lopez

Who is behind the scenes? Cesar Lopez

Cesar Lopez, our warehouse man is a key piece in the gear, sheltered between boxes, pallets, machines (which he loves), but always there to be counted upon and controlling everything. Although he is a man of few words, we have managed to answer our questionnaire and thus, to know him a little better.

Favourite color

My Favourite Colour is Red.

Your music and song

As far as music is concerned, I am passionate about rock. One of my favorite songs is Lazy by Deep Purple.

What do you do when you wake up

My wake-up routine is simple and natural. I drink an orange juice and then run like clockwork in the bathroom.

What do you do before going to sleep

After an intense workday and before going to sleep, I like to disconnect watching an episode of the Dexter series.

 What do you do to relax

I like to play sports, go jogging, walk quietly or have a drink with friends.

What is your passion

There are two things that I go nuts about; motorbikes and a good concert.

What does looking after yourself mean to you

Something as simple as a healthy diet and exercise both physically and mentally.

If you liked this interview to Cesar Lopez and you want to know other workers of Vitae, you can check our blog and you will find the rest of the team

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