graphic designer

Who is behind the scenes?

Xènia Casado, one of our graphic designer. Defining her in a nutshell is tricky; She´s creativity in its pure state, calm, hardworking and meticulous, she keeps calm no matter what happens. She´s fun, talkative and has the ability to convey peace and serenity to everyone around her.

Favourite color

I am passionate about colors along with all its ranges, but my color is blue. Since I was little I felt very identified with it. I love the sea and I am fascinated by the amount of turquoise tones of the waters in Menorca. It is a color that conveys tranquillity and peace, very linked to my way of being although I do not use it for my clothes

Your music and song

I’m not a fan of any singer or group in particular, I generally like to listen to everything, depending on the day or mood, and I listen to a many genres. Right now I’m listening to Ramon Mirabet’s Home is where the heart is, as the weekend approaches, intuitively my playlist is cheering up.

What dou you do when you wake up

I’m pretty sleepy and I like to take it easy in the mornings, so I always get up with enough time to organize my day. I do not like to start the day stressed and in a hurry.

I am the one who set the alarm 10 minutes earlier as to enjoy that little while longer. When it goes off again, the first thing I do is take a shower, get dressed and when I have everything done and ready I´ll have breakfast.

What do you do before going to sleep

Talk, I like to talk about the day with my partner or my mother and disconnect talking about any subject. I don´t watch much TV (in winter maybe a bit more), but when the good weather arrives I love to prepare dinner and eat out on the terrace every night with the peace that breathes at night as we catch up.

What do you do to relax

I like to go for a walk on the beach, go to the gym or escape for the weekend with my tent. I do not like being at home, I’m an outdoors person. When I am overwhelmed I need to escape and disconnect from routine to recharge my batteries.

What is your passion

I love spending time with my friends, being with my family, traveling, new challenges and projects, continue to learn, laugh … and above all enjoy every step of the way and every moment.

What does looking after yourself mean to you

For me to take care of myself is to feel good about myself, both mentally and physically. That’s why I try to establish a balance between food, exercise and rest. I try to eat well in a varied way, do sports to disconnect and feel energetic and rest the necessary hours every day.

If you liked this interview to our graphic designer, you can visit our blog and you will find other interviews to the rest of Vitae team.

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