technical department

Who is behind the scenes? Aleix Pellejero

Aleix Pellejero, our technical department boy. The words to describe him fall short by the energy he transmits. He´s full of vitality, essentially cheerful and very talkative, it shows that he loves life. You will always find him smiling (he knows that everything can be achieved with a smile).

Favourite color

I like all colours …  flamboyant, clear, soft, strident and pale ones… The choice depends only on the moment, and above all, the environment!

Your music and song

I really like music and connect with it. Although it sounds cliché, I like it all! From the most horrendous to the most modern through music of the 40’s, soul, jazz … It depends also on the moment and whether I’m accompanied or not! Depending on the context, I would choose one or the other…

What do you do when you wake up

Ideally I would love to do a lot of things … Taking time to have breakfast, drink a natural juice and a bowl of muesli with raspberries, meditate and do yoga, plan the day’s chores, go running among the vineyards … but I like sleeping too much!! On weekends and in the holidays I try to take my time to do all of this… J

What do you do before going to sleep

Working days (and bearing in mind the previous answer), as I prefer to hurry, I prepare everything (food, clothing, planning …), I take a relaxing shower and I meditate on how the day has gone and wishing it were tomorrow.

What do you do to relax

I love to go out into the garden and look at the stars, walk among the vineyards watching the sunrise, have a good glass of wine with French music from the 40’s (Léo Marjane: Votre amour guide mon coeur, / Watch? V = CxPiI8_jRvc), a relaxing bath, talk and meet interesting people, go out on the porch with a warm cup of something and a blanket on a cold winters night … I can think of so many things that I would not know where to start!

The sunrise, vineyards and Montserrat from the sale of my house

What is your passion

I am passionate about animals, nature and good people. When I lived in Africa, I became interested in drawing portraits of animals and people by the light of a candle. It was a very relaxing and a mystical therapy. I love to dance and connect with people. I love to cook sophisticated dishes (and if it’s for a lot of people even better !!).  And even more … SMILING!

What does lookinf after yourself mean to you

To take care of myself means to be in tune with body and mind, doing things that make you feel good inside and out, life on a whim as life is short! Stay with friends and chat until the sun rises, laugh until it hurts the belly, do crazy things (take the first train destination “who knows”, the question is to leave your comfort zone …!) And do not worry about problems because everything has a solution (the secret is to adapt …)

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