accounting girl

Who is behind the scenes? Maribel González

MARIBEL GONZÁLEZ, our accounting girl. Mysterious, it is difficult to discover the secrets and surprises whe holds within, but say that all good takes a little effort, right? She´s responsible, serious and passionate in equal parts. It shows that he likes to take care of her loved ones and that when she wants she does it intensely.

Favourite color

My favorite color is violet, not to be confused with lilac. Violet is a mixture of blue, which is peace, melancholy, serenity … and red that represents passion, desire and even aggressiveness. On the contrary lilac is the result of mixing violet with white.

I like the color violet, since it has always been associated with magical and mystical things and the most emotional and spiritual part of the human being. As we said before the mixture of these colors, violet means magic, mystery, elegance and power, as well as wished passion, peace and tranquility.

Your music and song 

Actually, I don’t have a favourite song or music in particular and I don´t put on music often, although I admit that my playlist is full of “current”, songs ”  summer hits” or even of flamenco (which is in my blood).

What do you do when you wake up

Well, the first thing I do is to think about what clothes I’ll wear while i´m still in bed, since I’m not one who prepares it the day before. Then, my nieces call me to tell me to it´s time to wake up and have to go to work, even though it’s been an hour since I got up or when it’s a holiday… they have made it their habit and of course… who can say no to two nieces of 6 and 1 year old?

What do you do before going to sleep

I usually read even when I have had a tiring day, I have to read even if it´s just a few pages of the book that I´m reading at that time, or anything else, such as recipes that I look for on the internet, or the meaning of something in particular, etc.

What do you do to relax

When I need to relax I like to walk, look at the sky and its stars, and if I were to live closer to the beach, I would go every night to listen to the waves of the sea and thus not think of anything.

What is your passion

I am passionate about spending time with my family, friends, but above all enjoy my nieces and seeing them grow, which they are doing very fast. I also love learning new things, posing challenges and trying to reach the goal.

What does looking after yourself mean to you

For me, taking care of you is not just physical. I think that in order to take care of ourselves we must express our own emotions and feelings, because if we do not express them we enter into blockages, fears and we do not enjoy our emotional freedom. Taking care of myself is also being able to enjoy my time with those people that I want to surround myself with, people full of hope and optimism and to be able to laugh as much as possible.

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