Arnau Rodriguez Vitae

Who is behind Vitae?

Arnau Rodriguez, our graphic design guy. Young and with very clear ideas. Curious and interested in the world in which he lives. He knows how to listen and has an innate ability to translate ideas into images. An authentic of design devil.

Favourite color

My favorite color is black. It goes with everything and at the same time it does not mean anything, that is, the other colors say things that do not convince me, for example red is too bright and blue too serious. I feel more identified with the black.

Your favourite music and song

I like hip hop, grunge… actually practically all music (except reggaeton). I also like techno and drum & bass. I really go through periods of times when hip hop tires me and I spend the day listening to rock or indie, as I say, it fluctuates according to my vital moment.

My favorite song is ‘’Where the hood at?’’  By DMX, a hip hop group that I love.

What do you do when you wake up

The first thing I do when I wake up brush my teeth, I cannot stay awake if I do not brush my teeth, and otherwise I notice my mouth dried out . Then I shower, wash my face and finally go and have breakfast. It does not make much sense that I brush my teeth before breakfast, but I cannot do it any other way.

For breakfast I drink a glass of milk or a coffee and if I have enough time a milkshake.

What do you do before going to sleep

I always watch something on Netflix, until I get sleepy. Right now I do not look at anything in particular, every day I start a different movie (which I almost never finish). As for the type of movie it depends on the day, if I had a somewhat insipid day I put some humor, which makes me laugh and I usually see movies related to the mafia or some series of a similar style.

What do you do to relax

I used to go skating boarding, until three months ago I hurt my knee, so now I’m not sure what to do. I really liked to take my skateboard everywhere and go skate boarding, it used to be a moment of concentration and disconnection which helped me escape the stress of everyday life, so I hope to recover soon.

What is your passion

It’s a bit repetitive, but as I said, I love to skateboard so the first month without it I went a bit crazy, now I deal with it better. During a time I was passionate about basketball, but it gradually diluted. I’m also passionate about music and like going out for a drink with my friends.

What does looking after mean to you

Eating well, do some sports, keep my body healthy. It is also very important to do a bit of mental purging, because at the end of the day perhaps generates the most stress.

If you liked this interview to one of our graphic designer (Arnau Rodriguez), you can visit our blog. There, you will find more interviews to the rest of VItae team.

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