Anna Alarcón Vitae

Who is behind Vitae? Anna Alarcón

Anna Alarcón, head of the administration and finance department in addition to the person to whom we all turn when there is a problem. An armor woman with a pure rock and roll spirit. Cheerful, fun and carefree you can always count on her.

Favourite color

I do not really have a favorite color, I think it varies depending on the time of year. For example, in summer I am attracted to bright colors, and in winter to those that are a little more subdued, although if I think the clothes in my wardrobe they are predominantly blue.

Your favourite music and song

I like mainly heavy metal. Classic Hard rock groups like Judas Priest, ACDC, Iron Maiden, etc. But am open to other types of music such as country music, (preferably country rock) and some Spanish pop. Of course, on my IPod you will not find anything that is very slow.

As a favorite song, I’m left with two, Breaking the law and Painkiller (both by Judas Priest).

What do you do when you wake up

The first thing I do is have breakfast. I cannot start the day without breakfast and coffee, be it 6 in the morning or 10 (in the weekends). It’s the first thing I do when I get out of bed. I usually have breakfast watching a chapter of some of my favorite series and then a shower and I’m ready to start my day.

What do you do before going to sleep

Normally I see another episode of a series (I consider myself a serial-addict), or I read a bit in bed to stop thinking about the day to day and fall asleep.

What do you do to relax

Nothing special, my relaxing moment is in the morning, during breakfast (especially during the week, when nobody is up and I am totally calm). I get up with plenty of time before going to work precisely to enjoy that moment of relaxation and tranquility.

What is your passion

It might sound a bit strange, but I’m passionate about my work.

What does looking after yourself mean to you

I have to confess that I do not like sports at all (unlike many of my colleagues ), that’s why I try to take care of my diet, and the way  I exercise is going to country dance classes at least 3 or 4 hours a week, which helps me physically, with coordination and memory.

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