Technical Director

Who is behind Vitae? Estibaliz Cano

Estíbaliz Cano, our Technical Director Determined, sure and resounding.  A woman with clear ideas and with a contagious laugh and energy. We could compare her with a whirlwind, as she gets up at 5 in the morning and does not stop until she goes to sleep. Hardworking and tremendously effective it is always a pleasure to spent time with her.

Favourite colour

My favorite color is pink in all its variants, from pastel to fuchsia. Not just to wear, but in general in all areas. It is a very cheerful, sweet and a sensitive color.

Your favourite music and song

I like music a lot, although I do not have a specific and defined genre. I can listen from classical music while studying  to one of my favorite groups, U2. I liked going to concerts and enjoy live music, although it is true that I was not going as much as I would have liked. Yes, my twins were born four years ago and my activities have changed radically.

One of my favorite songs which hasn´t changed over time is With or Without you by U2.

What do you do when you wake up

I get up very early, at approximately 5-5: 30 am (in days of many relaxation I allow myself to lengthen it until 6 am). The first thing I do is have breakfast, so I can have my coffee and start the day with energy; Well, I also have to confess that I have a little help thanks to one of our flagship products, Reconnect. Then I shower, I get ready and we start organizing the house.

In spite of everything, if I could I would sleep for months on end, I love to sleep, disconnect from everything and relax.

What do you do before going to sleep

I usually go to sleep around 23:00 and sometimes I fall asleep watching TV, in a super deep way, so much so that after a little while my husband takes me to the bed and I do not even wake up. I have the ability to sleep and not wake up, it’s wonderful! There comes a moment at night that I enter a deep state of relaxation and from there I´m not aware of anything. The truth is that when I´m so tired I do not wake up in any way.

What do you do to relax

Although perhaps it’s a bit “freaky”, many times to relax I start to study or read things I have pending. I also believe that it is important to work the mind. Although it would be great, I cannot tell you to practice any kind of alternative therapy, the only thing I do is work my mind, the way I consider. Moments of relaxation, meditation and connection.

What is your passion

My girls (she has two very cute twins), my husband, my house and my profession (which I love).

What does looking after yourself mean to you

As I have emphasized throughout the interview, for me it is very important to work with oneself, that is, to feel well on the inside and to feel well on the outside. Take care of the mind and know oneself.

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