Silvia Xicota

Who is behind Vitae? Silvia Xicota

Silvia Xicota, our head of administration and logistics. Passion, passion and passion in the best sense. It shows that she enjoys life, people and small details (she confesses that she sometimes  gets excited when seeing a flower blossoming). Strength, energy and lots of light.

Favourite color

My favorite color is blue in all its shades. I think I like it so much because it conveys the feeling of cleanliness, open air, calmness, sky and sea. It gives me a lot of peace.

My passion for this color is such that I even like it for the shutters of houses. They say that, formerly this was used in the villages to scare off witches, forest spirits and nymphs who were supposed to be afraid of this color, although in reality it was to repel insects.

Your favourite music and song

I’m quite eclectic, I can go from one musical style to another in a moment; the truth is that I like all music except hard rock and heavy metal, because for me it has to be melodic no matter what style it is. I love disco from the 70s and 80s (of my time) for example, but I also love classical music that I like to listen to while working or relaxing.

I also enjoy Catalan music a lot and, among many, my favorite song A Particular Love of Lluís Llach.

I also love to go to concerts on  regular basis I’m subscribed to the Auditorium and for some time I also go to jazz concerts that seem incredible to me and transport me directly to another reality.

What do you do when you wake up

The first thing I do is open the window, whatever the season of the year, cold or hot. I like to breathe the morning air; I find it spectacular to feel the very intense connection with the earth and the planet. I stick my head out the window, I look at the day and enjoy this moment ,so intimate and wonderful.

Then I make myself a fresh orange juice, the coffee has to be a long time later, with a full stomach, otherwise I do not feel well. Normally I shower at night so in the morning, usually, I do not have to do it, I get dressed and go to work. If it’s the weekend, I’ll be “stupefied” for a little while longer, looking out the window or in the garden if I’m away.

Midweek breakfast at 10; I used to do it at 7 in the morning, but it was a bit difficult for me to arrive “in good condition” at lunchtime. The truth is that this new routine is working very well for me.

What do you do before going to sleep

I always try to spend some time on the couch, between 10 and 15 minutes, so I can disconnect before going to sleep. I watch some

TV and look for a movie that I’ve seen about 23 times (so I do not have to think much) or I read, I love to read and read a lot, listen to music or talk on the phone, although this last much less because I like to be disconnected from the mobile for a while.

Let’s say that in the morning I connect with the world and at night I disconnect.

If I follow this routine I sleep much better, although I have to confess that I always follow this to the max: whichever the hour or the day of the week it is. If I am not sleepy I won´t fall asleep and will have a horrible night tossing and turning. I speak from experience as I’m very nocturnal and it’s hard for me to be sleepy.

What do you do to relax

It relaxes me a lot to be outdoors, in the woods and in the countryside, I enjoy going for a walk or chatting while going for a stroll at night. I also like water a lot and during the week I always try to do activities that involve being in this environment; the mere fact of being in the water relaxes me and makes me disconnect, although for me the best thing in the world is to walk in the middle of the fields.

What is your passion

Many things. I am passionate about life, living, the world and obviously, my children, with whom I have a very close and special relationship.

Sometimes I wonder where to go on a trip. And I am not able to find the answer because I would like to go everywhere! Of course, for me it is important that there is a lot of nature and culture, although all sites have their charm, for example, getting lost wandering through a city I also find wonderful.

What does looking after yourself mean to you

I would say that it is to have body and mind coordinated, although I almost consider it more important to take care of the mind, since normally if you are mentally well it reflects physically, you have more light and you are more radiant. I try not to abuse anything, to do physical exercise (very important for me) and to enjoy life trying to get the most out of it. The only thing with which I am “anti” is with tobacco, it bothers me a lot, probably because I am an ex-smoker.

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