cellular inflammation

Yes, cellular inflammation can be the cause of conditions such as dryness of the skin or wrinkles

In 2014 Time magazine published a cover named The Secret Killer which referred to the so-called cellular inflammation, which even its absence of symptoms, can be the guilty of various diseases and conditions. The swelling which affects cells marked the beginning of a new concern in the health sector.

So what is the reason for this?

We’ve heard it a thousand times. Poor nutrition, pollution or stress can cause wrinkles, gaining weight and other pathologies in our body.

As this article explained, it cannot be classified as a disease, but many doctors, pharmacists and dermatologists consider it the origin of multiple pathologies. The magazine Smoda published an article where they mentioned that according to the pharmaceutical company Immaculate Canterla (cosmeceuticalcenter.com), << Cell wear, caused by poor diet, stress or contamination, becomes the invisible enemy number one of beauty >> and that << Inflammation cannot be seen, so we can not anticipate its appearance, but try to prevent it >>.

Can inflammation cause wrinkles and dryness?

The answer is yes. We used to solve skin problems with a topical cream and that’s it. Now we know that many of these conditions come from within, and therefore must be treated from their origin.

How can we prevent it?

At the surface level, one of the great allies to combat swelling of cells is cold. We can cool our facial creams or masks and then apply them to the face.

Internally, we cannot forget about our diet which should include fruits, vegetables and specific foods such as turmeric (highly anti inflammatory) and reduce (or eliminate) the use of tobacco and alcohol. It is also important that we consume foods rich in omega 3 and 6 such as nuts, fish, avocado, olive oil, etc.

Finally, in terms of our lifestyle, we must ensure that it is as balanced as possible, with minimum stress and increasing those things that bring us well-being and happiness.

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